Patients are the driving force and inspiration behind our oncology-related events, educational programmes, and the reason why oncologists are constantly pushing the edge of science to revise existing therapies and find new treatment options.

Patient activities fulfil one of ESMO’s most important objectives – to disseminate knowledge to cancer patients, their caregivers, advocacy groups and the public. Patient advocacy allows ESMO to support and promote equal access to optimal cancer treatment and care.

Besides organising educational programmes such as a dedicated Patient Advocacy Track during the ESMO Congress, ESMO strives to continually provide patients with useful information and updates.

  • Guides for Patientsmake clinical guidelines understandable and accessible to patients
  • ESMO educational resources include position statements, surveys and useful links

The ESMO Patient Advocates Working Group supports our initiatives and works to build strong and effective partnerships with all patient groups.

ESMO provides a platform for patient advocacy groups to come together and discuss important topics related to cancer care by co-hosting European Advocacy in Action® Forums at annual ESMO Congresses. The Forums are co-organised by the ESMO Cancer Patient Working Group and the producer, Vital Options International, in collaboration with the ECCO Patient Advisory Committee.

Major European and international cancer patient groups, as well as leading oncology professionals, regularly join the annual Advocacy in Action Forums to discuss key issues in patient care.

To view the Advocacy in Action videos by year or by topic, please click on the links below.

To view the Advocacy in Action videos by year or by topic, please click on the links below.

Personalised medicine is the future of cancer medicine. To make it a reality in the near future and to offer improved treatments, the patient’s active role is crucial.

ESMO is committed to educating patients in this evolving approach, so they can better understand the main principles and how they can contribute. Well-informed patients and educated choices matter.

n this guide you can find information on:

What is personalised medicine?

  • The new era: discovery of DNA
  • Understand how to personalise each individual treatment
  • Understand how to personalise disease
  • Why is it important for cancer patients to understand personalised medicine?
  • Personalisation of healthy living
  • Glossary of terms